The hottest weather since 1976 has turned our beloved lawns from lush green to brown across most the UK.  For most home owners it is almost impossible to apply enough water to prevent the lawn from going dormant and turning brown, but try not to worry as this is the natural defence mechanism of the grass plant so it can survive during these extreme conditions.

So what can we do to help the lawn recover quickly as we go from summer into the autumn and as moisture returns to the soil?  Every cloud has a silver lining and even though we would rather not have a drought it does open up an opportunity to improve your lawn for the long term.  Weed grass such as Poa Annua (Annual Meadow Grass) don’t enjoy long periods of dry weather and tend to die-off, which is good news and it also means that without too much green top growth it is the perfect time to rake out the layer of brown thatch that may have been building up for many years.

Lawntech carry out an autumn renovation package of Scarification, Aeration and over-seeding to ensure the lawn recovers and will look better than ever for next spring.  For the enthusiastic gardener with a bit of spare time this is something you could do yourself by carrying out the following procedure between the months of August and early October.

Step 1: Scarify

Rake out the excessive brown thatch and dead growth from the lawn with a mechanical scarifier. Multiple passes with the scarifier will be required.  The more thatch you can remove the better the results.  Put arisings on the compost heap, large lawns will produce a lot of thatch and you might need to remove it to a licenced local tip.






Step 2: Aeration

Make as many deep holes as possible throughout the lawn with a mechanical aerator.  This will relive compaction, allow moisture to penetrate deep into the soil and will help to create soil contact for new seed.  Multiple passes with the aerator might be necessary.







Step 3: Over-seed

Generate new fresh growth into the lawn by applying a good quality lawn seed at approximately 20 grams per square metre.  Apply with a fertiliser spinner or by hand if the lawn is small.  The new seed will fall on to the soil created by the scarifying and aeration and will germinate once rain finally arrives, repairing and damage caused by the dry weather and creating a lush green lawn.






Step 4:  Autumn Fertiliser

Apply a low nitrogen autumn fertiliser which does not contain moss killer or weed killer.  This will give the lawn nutrient to help it recover and assist the new seed.








Immediately After Autumn Renovation

Spring following Lawn Renovation

See how we do it here with our lawn renovation video………


For more lawn advice  or to book up your autumn lawn renovation contact us


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