With summer upon us, we should prepare ourselves for what could be a dry summer. Whilst the sun provides us with much-needed warmth and is always a great reason to have a bbq, it doesn’t do our lawn much good without some rain.

Without rainfall, you will begin to notice your lawn will begin to go brown as if it were dying but not to worry as they are merely laying dormant until water is available, simply it is the plants’ defence mechanism to help it survive during the dry season.

How often should I be watering?

This is a hard question to answer as it varies from week to week depending on heat or if you have received any rainfall at all. Your aim will be to ensure your lawn stays damp so the grass is able to stay hydrated in the sun, a goal will be to try and mimic nature by irrigating thoroughly to simulate rainfall. We recommend you water heavily once or twice per week to the point the soil is saturated. We suggest installing a water butt to help during those extra dry seasons when there is a hosepipe ban.

Can I overwater my lawn?

You most certainly can! Whilst it can be unlikely to happen during summer as the water quickly evaporates, overwatering causes the pores in the soil to fill with water rather than the oxygen which is vital for plant growth. Try using a jam jar to determine how much water you are putting down, simply place the jar under the sprinkler and continue watering until there is an inch of water in the jar.

Should I use a sprinkler?

A sprinkler is the most efficient way to ensure your lawn is watered. The major benefit of using a sprinkler is you quite easily mimic rainfall with the ease of not having to spend time watering the lawn yourself. Depending on your sprinkler system determines whether or not you need to move it, we highly recommend rotating sprinklers as it will provide an even spread to a large if not all lawn area.

What about a simple summer feed?

It is a good idea to put down a summer feed but only do so when the soil is wet or it is due to rain as this will lead to the feed pellets to dissolving into the ground and help provide the grass with essential nutrients.

Move any furniture

Summer is a great time to have a pool or even a tent on the lawn, whilst they help the summer be more enjoyable they can cause a problem for your lawn. Be sure to move them every couple of days to avoid your lawn getting those horrible looking yellow patches.





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