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How do I fix an uneven lawn?

Uneven patchy lawn

There are several ways to fix uneven levels in a lawn.  The severity of the unevenness will dictate on the route to take but in most cases the journey will start on deciding if the best remedy is to totally start again with a new lawn form seed or turf or to fix the existing one by a process of renovation using god quality topsoil and top-dressing.

Does my lawn have to be smooth and level?

Many lawn enthusiasts will dedicate much of their time and energy to the pursuit of the perfectly smooth lawn. . For many of us, we will settle for something a little less immaculate but perhaps more usable. Children, pets and entertaining will all take their toll on a lawn, and the harder it is used the greater the impact will be. We understand that everyone’s expectations of their lawn will be different, so our answer to the question would have to be that it depends on the needs of the individual concerned.

The main advantage of a level lawn is that it will be easy to mow and keep looking good, but it will also improve surface drainage. If there are pronounced dips and hollows, these will collect rainwater and allow it to pool and stand long after the downpour has ceased. These wet conditions can encourage lawn diseases. Mowing will be more even and straightforward across the smooth surface, and there will be no scalping as a result.

Eradicating depressions and bumps will also make a lawn safer to use, reducing the risk of injury through turned ankles, bruises, jarred joints etc. This is as true for grown-ups as it is for youngsters and can occur just as readily when simply walking on a lawn as it can when more sporty activities are going on!

What causes my lawn to be uneven?

There are many potential reasons for a lawn becoming bumpy, and it is important to understand the cause before undertaking treatment. Sometimes an underlying problem can be so fundamental that a long-term solution must be found, otherwise the condition will only deteriorate over time.

Ground subsidence, damaged underground pipes (either drainage or irrigation), Frost Heave, buried objects or even pest infestation can be causes of gradual or sudden unevenness in a lawn, or maybe it was not laid very well in the first place, so understanding the root cause is imperative before attempting a remedy.

What about small imperfections? 

To smooth out and renovate a lawn that just has minor imperfections in the surface can be done by renovation during the autumn.  It is usually best to scarify and aerate before top dressing so that the dressing can easily be rubbed into the dips. Top Dressing can be done by a lawn care professional or you can do it yourself.   Lawn Top Dressing is available in different grades, all being a blend of soil, compost, loam or sand, designed in different mixes to boost nutrition and assist in the germination of new seed.  Choosing the correct top dressing is important, so if you have sandy, chalky or light soil choose an organic top dressing or one that has more loam in it, however if you have heavy or clay soil choose a top dressing which contains more sand than loam.

Circular patch of lawn outside house

What if my lawn is very uneven?

Those smaller dips up to 3-10mm can be filled in with Top Dressing, but anything deeper is a point which usually causes its fair share of confusion.  We would always suggest finely screened Topsoil is a better solution for filling-in larger dips and hollows in a lawn as it will provide more structure and is less likely to sink in the future.

Follow these steps when levelling an uneven lawn with soil:

  • Kill off the grass of undulations deeper than 10mm, with a total weed killer such as Glyphosate, or alternatively scrape the grass off down to soil level.
  • Scarify the entire lawn and remove the arisings, this will help you see clearly where the low points and dips in the lawn are. Aeration of the entire lawn to relive compaction is also recommended.
  • Measure the total area of the dips so you can estimate how much soil you need.
  • Purchase good quality premium topsoil which is screened to below 10mm and fill the areas with soil, raking and firming as you go to create a smooth surface.
  • Sow lawn seed to the bare soil areas at a rate of 30 grams per square metre.
  • Apply pre-seed fertiliser.
  • Now that the worst of the dips are filled and seeded, apply top dressing and over-seed the entire lawn which will remove any other minor imperfections.
  • Be patient and wait for the lawn to recover and new seed to germinate, which can take 4-16 weeks depending on the time of year and weather conditions. Once the grass gets to 2-3 inches long, mow on a medium to high setting and collect the clippings.

For more information on top dressing a lawn visit our top dressing page

My lawn is too uneven, should I start again with a new lawn?

If your lawn is in very bad condition and is very uneven it might be better value to kill off the existing lawn and start again with a new lawn.  This could be better in the long-run because the entire lawn area can be rotovated, graded level and new soil imported, if required, to achieve a beautiful new smooth tilth.  The process of doing this is as follows.

  • Kill off existing vegetation at least 4 weeks prior to rotovation and mow off dead material.
  • Rotovate the area in multiple directions to a depth of 100-150mm deep.
  • Rake out the newly rotovated soil to ensure all dips and hollows are graded smooth.
  • Remove stones and debris from the surface with a fine rake to create a fine, smooth firm tilth.
  • Apply pre-seed/turf fertiliser
  • Sow new lawn seed at 35 grams per square metre or lay good quality TGA standard cultivated lawn turf.
Men lying lawn turf outside house

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